Because afterall, This too shall pass...
It's worth repeating:
We challenge the physical to strengthen the mental.
I was having a great chat with one of the participants, and they mentioned "there's only 5 fingers, so it can get repetitive after a while" - which is a perfectly fair observation, but the left hand material (the curriculuum we use in the program) is the TOOL to combat the Mind's mind...
That voice in our head that's been hijacked.. And while the tool stays the same, the mind's mind evolves. It gets clever, it gets more sophisticated. It disguises itself.
It's always trying to keep you safe, alive and comfortable. And as you all progress into different levels of your life (recovery, new jobs, new apartments, new freedoms) then it's going to get sneaky and aim to keep you comfortable.. As life gets "easier" then so does the temptation...
Enter: The Hard Way.
I think this is a perfect first video to share. Think about how it opens...
"If you live life afraid of failing, you're going to be stuck...
There has to be some element of failure for there to be reward"
For some this will be a review, so listen to the words. For others watching for the first time, don't get caught up in the spectacle of chopping down the tree. It's what the tree and the act of doing so represents.
Focus on this:
8:30 Mark - "That's where you learn about yourself. You don't learn that much when things are easy. It's when things get hard that you learn about yourself and who you really are."
That's why we always have to keep our tool (left hand material) sharp. Because there's always going to be a bigger tree.
Ordinary people can do hard things. And you're already doing it!