Rent's Due.
Time to pay the man...
Calm down folks, we're not talking about money here. It's something bigger than that. If anything it's something more important than that too.
If you think about it, we rarely own anything in our lives. And while that can seem stress inducing, it actually can be quite freeing. Ironically though, the craziest part about this whole thing is you can indeed own physical possessions, but when it comes to you, your person, your mind, your body, your health, your strength, your flexibility, your happiness - you don't own any of that, you only rent it.
What do I mean by that? Well, let's stay with your health and fitness.
If you were to workout every day for a year, your health and fitness would improve.
If you were to not do anything for a year, it would decline.
We have to work at it every. damn. day.
We rent our health, and rent's due. Time to pay the man.
Addiction and Recovery/Sobriety are no different.
If you think about it, you had to work at your addiction every day. It was an every day job. Why would sobriety be any different?
In the Navy SEALs they say "earn your trident every day."
Tosh like's to say "Are you being a big fish, or a little fish?"
Whatever you want to call it, it's important to find something that means something to you. Something that you can ask:
"did I pay the man today?" That's all.
Because Rent's due, every day.
It's the choice we all have to make. And it needs to be made every day.
The man needs to be paid.
We gotta pay the man.