What We Do
We empower those struggling with addiction and substance use disorder through the use of our revolutionary Physical Behavioral Therapy. At the CEC we believe that at the core those struggling with substance use disorder is a fundamental lack of hope. We also understand that hope is not something that can be given, it must be earned to truly be believed.
We do this through physical behavioral therapy lead by our experienced Coaches. It may sound counter-intuitive, but physical struggle is the gateway to empowerment and relief. "Without struggle, there can be no progress." - Frederick Douglass. Each session our Coaches guide participants through physically demanding tasks, which leads to a real, visceral feeling of empowerment - I DID THAT. This is the first step.
We streamline the recovery process for both participants of our programs and medical providers, removing the confusion of self management. Our integrated pathway removes the guesswork and gaps in the recovery process and shows participants where they are going in their journey.
Our organization is built on the foundation of the CrossFit methodology and culture of community that is built daily through shared struggles and experiences. Integration into this community is an crucial part of the recovery journey and viewed as a ongoing therapy. In a group CrossFit class, everyone is equal regardless of name, social status, income, addictions, race, creed, gender - for that moment in time we are all the same. This powerful experience reminds those working through active recovery that they are worthy of integration into a community and a valued member of one. This translates back into the actual community, leading to meaningful, purpose driven lives.

We believe physiological stress has the adaptive capacity to help elicit behavioral change by empowering the destitute, the lost and the broken.
Success for participants is actualized in achieving an enriched life, including employment and housing, as well as a noticeable change in mindset towards possibility and growth - aka hope restored. Success means “being excited about something,” the value of which cannot be understated. It is important for the CEC to create an environment of self fulfilled opportunity for the participant.
Community Integration
Behind every addiction is a person, so that's where we start. Who were you and who would you like to be?
One day at a time we build your empowerment back up, increasing recovery capital and rebuilding self confidence
Joining our CrossFit community is an integeral part of the process to help you remember you are not alone and there are many people who care about you, support you and want to see you succeed.
Once someone is ready, we help you find probationary employment from our list of partners, streamlining that next step towards progress
We're here to help you every step of the way in your recovery process. We specialize in offering group therapy sessions. We believe in the power of connection to cure the isolation that comes with addiction. Our peer support team is there to connect with you and guide you along the way.
Want some solo attention? We can accommodate that also.
Group Physical Behavioral Therapy Sessions
Peer Support
Individual Sessions